πŸ’ŽInvest With Bonsai3

Turn Bonsai3 into your little money tree, uncovering 100x gems and breakout memes.

Bonsai3 isn’t just for creators.

We’re here to help investors thrive, too. Our investment platform puts the hottest new tokens just a few clicks away, helping you navigate the noise and cherry-pick the juiciest projects on every branch.

When using Bonsai3 as an investor, you’ll spend most of your time on the following two pages:

The Token Invest page and the Project Overview page.

1) Token Invest page

The Token Invest Page shows an overview of all launchpad sales. Short summaries provide a snapshot of what each project is about. You can then click through to the Project Overview page, where you’ll find all the information you need to decide whether to invest.

2) Project Overview page

The Project Overview page includes the current status of the raise, the project description, and the tokenomics. The overview page also has a widget through which you can deposit funds and invest in the project itself.

Already invested in a project? Well then. When it comes to managing your portfolio, that’s all handled on your My Profile page.

Let’s head there next.

Last updated